Thursday, April 30, 2009

Deep Bows to Kevin, James, Melissa and David!

After our zazenkai retreat at Lourdes college, I was lucky to be able to travel to study with some really wonderful teachers.

First, I spent three days at St. Josephs Abbey in Spencer MA with Father Kevin Hunt Sensei. Kevin Jiun Hunt, OCSO, Sensei was certified as teacher of zen in 2005 by Roshi Robert Jinsen Kennedy, student of Bernard Tetsugen Glassman and Maezumi Roshi (White Plum Sangha). He is a deep and generous teacher of the Dharma, and can't say enough about being able to practice with him. Most of the time, I participated in the Cistercian Monastic schedule - which centers in the traditional western monastic practice of chanting the psalter. Once a day I was able to meet with Kevin in dokusan. In addition to the shikantaza/koan work we have been doing together, Kevin Sensei has a particular grasp of the Christian Mystical tradition and has helped me integrate my Catholic upbringing and the western traditions wisdom.

Then I joined the Boudless Way sangha for a three day sesshin held in New Hampshire. The sangha and teachers were most welcoming and the practice was wonderful. The three teachers James (not present in this picture), Melissa and David worked together as one with an incredibly generous spirit.

Deep Bows to all!

- Rin

1 comment:

James said...

I understand the bear in the photo is supposed to be a stand in for me. certainly looks better. and probably a better Zen teacher, as well...

Thanks for the kind words.

It was a delight for our sanghas to touch through you, Rin...

Hope we all meet again, soon...