As most of you know I will be at UT tomorrow giving some remarks on Grounding for a Healthy Mind Body and Spirit as well as leading a prayer. This opportunity has given me a chance to reflect back on my own days as an undergraduate and sometimes graduate student. It is with some trepidation that I walk back into what was for me an orgy of ideas that only made me arrogantly hungry for more yet sadly starved for the Love of our lives. It has taken me so long to trust the unknowing the unlearning of our zen school. So here I go after 25 years of tending to this field of unknowing back into a storehouse of academic knowledge. I am reminded of Bodhidharma's meeting with the ruler of China . When asked who he was he answered ,' I don't know'. When asked what is it that you teach? He replied ,"Vast spaciousness with nothing holding". The ruler of China just got kind of confused by this response so the first patriarch went off to face a wall in some cave for nine years until...and the rest is history right down to us in our time.
We'll see what happens on Friday. I have a hunch that the ground of contemporary academic culture has been sufficiently plowed under by the postmodern experiment: that the nondual dharma seeds will not be blown away by the winds of this and that, right and wrong. Zuihan
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