Saturday, August 18, 2007

Friday's presentation at UT by Zuihan

What a difference a day makes. I had such a great time! Nothing I prepared was useful in the moment. There were other presenters there: a Priest, a Minister, a Rabbi, and 2 Doctors representing Isam and Hinduism-each was so articulate, informative and added so much to our time together. I found myself in front of the group just smiling, genuinely happy to be in Toledo,the center of such rich religious diversity--Really feeling the wave of integral intergration we are all so privledged to be riding. We did some Zazen as a group. I simply asked people to trust the moment, stay with the breathe, rest in the arms of God according to their own lights. I rang some bells, after some time , chanted the evening gatha , rang some more bells, added my sincere hope that their life would go well. Later, in the reception line we all smiled and thanked each other.
At the coffee hour I found myself sitting with the military faculty. They showed me all their badges and discussed the meaning of their heraldry. I in turn showed them my rohksu and talked about its significance. I must admit I feel a certain kindred spirit with them, if only they would just stop the killing part!

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