Thursday, February 8, 2007

Zazenkai Sunday Feb18th

Zazenkai this month is set for Sunday the 18th from 7:00am to 4:00pm at our ranch.

To register, please leave a comment here along with the times you will be able to practice.


Anonymous said...

Any chance we could integrate something for the children during zazenkai? That would help those of us that have kids on those weekends and be an opportunity to involve the kids on a non-school night.


Erik Genshin Knapp said...

As I mentioned I have offered up my home on wednesday nights so that more of us can come every week. We will just need to find someone to watch our little dharma heirs. In terms of sunday zazenkai's it would be exceptional to involve the children in some way, however, these are also intensive days of meditation practice and I don't think we want to adversely affect the practice of others. Perhaps a together but seperate situation, turns could be taken leading the children through "zen" activities and then there is always play practice. :) Thoughts?

Erik Genshin Knapp said...

BTW That's me Erik :)

Kristi said...

I am definately all for integrating the children into our practice, and my children are also anxious for that. As Erik said, it is probably a good idea to incorporate a "together but separate" situation, especially on Sundays. I know my little ones could never hang tight that long. If we could hire someone to entertain the children I think that would be best. Or, I'd also be willing to take turns with the litttle ones. I know I could attend more often if we had a plan for the children. I think we've noted before that Erik, Michael, and I all have our kids on the same weekend, which is that of the 18th. I have plans for my two for that day, but I could bring them and take first turn with all the little ones so everyone can participate.


toledoaikido said...

Well, how bout we find a sitter to come out or alternate ourselves with the kids out at our ranch on sunday? We have a big downstairs play room and could easily move the TV and some snacks down there.

Perhaps it would be easier to do this later on in the day then? Say start the kids end of things at 10 am? Adult sit can start from 7am?

- Chikyo

Anonymous said...

Re: Sunday Feb. 18th

I can come in the morning -- don't believe I just said that.


Chuck Greer said...

I will be there all day--

Erik Genshin Knapp said...

So you're saying chikyo, that adults without kids, 7am, those with kids, 10am? correct?

Rev. Jay Rinsen Weik said...

Yes, I think that would be best. Adults only sit 7-10am, kids in the basement 10am on. Sound good?

Erik Genshin Knapp said...

Kids are looking forward to seeing the Horses. :)

Kristi said...

I'd like to make a reservation for three at 10.

Erik Genshin Knapp said...

Well, our apologies. The weather did not cooperate with us twice in one week. We do look forward to making next month's for sure. Michael and I took the opportunity wednesday during the snow emergency (due to proximity) to sit and as always, sitting with members of the sangha is always helpful to one's practice. I look forward to reconnecting in person a week from this wednesday. Take Care. Again working on a Sangha directory. Please e-mail me your contact information @