Sunday, November 29, 2009

New Year's Eve Celebration

Thursday, December 31, 2009 at Black Oak Farm.
Begins at 8:30 pm
The evening program begins at 8:30 pm. We will practice until midnight with both a year end and new year beginning liturgy, zazen, kinhin and Dokusan. Practice ends at midnight with the traditional 108 rings of the Great Bell. The evening will close with a bonfire and hot drink! The next morning we will rise at 8:00am to greet the day with zazen and Do-on's amazing breakfast.

Evening sitting, sleeping overnight in the zendo (bring your sleeping bag), morning sitting and breakfast: suggested donation $40; New Year’s Eve sitting only suggested donation: $20.

Advance registration is required.

Please send an email to to register.


Angela said...

I work til 11pm. Should I still try to make it or would it be too late??

Angela said...

nevermind, I have to work New Year's Day..