Friday, August 7, 2009

Sesshin with the Boundless Way Sangha

From July 25th through the 31st, I had the opportunity to practice sesshin with the Boundless Way sangha and my teachers James Ford, Melissa Blacker, and David Rynick.

James made some great comments about the sesshin that are posted here.

Of the many gifts that I am able to bring back from this retreat to our sangha here in Toledo is- at long last - an authentic and whole route to receiving the precepts. Melissa Blacker Sensei has agreed to travel here and be our preceptor, and this lineage is very much in alignment with the practice here in Toledo. The details of when are still at play as of this writing, but that a path has opened for this is a great gift and opportunity for us all. If you are interested in leaning more about the precepts and what is involved bring your questions to the zendo and we will cover them during our community discussion time.

May our practice be strong and loving,

- Jay

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