The Zen Arts Series started this past weekend. On Friday Rinsen gave an introductory talk on the unique character of the Zen Arts. The following day, in partnership with Maumee Slow Foods, we looked at the practice of oryoki. An exegesis of the meal chant enriched our appreciation of this simple and elegant liturgy. There were many " Aha, so that is what that is expressing moments."
In the evening sangha members attended a gig at Caffeini's, a coffee shop owned by a TZC sangha member. Rinsen, Kyomon and another friend, Chris Schaub played free jazz and groove music
The next day folks gathered to encounter musicianship and the spiritual path. We were lead through exercises in deep listening and sounding without judgement as well as zazen. In the afternoon we 'played' our instruments out of the deep trust and intuition of the moment. Each participant also got a chance to conduct the group. From this workshop the Toledo Zen Arts Ensemble has been born. Watch for more to come....
A special thank you to Kyomon and Renso for helping out this weekend. As in the best of times there was much belly laughter and deep study. So much gratitude fills my heart as I think about all my dharma friends.
Gassho from NJ!
We had a great time and hope to come back soon.
with Love,
Renso & Kyo
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