Rinsen has tapped me to head a liturgy council. If you've ever wanted to add to your practice by doing instruments, leading the chants, or even learning how to ush better as an usher, this is the time to step forward. We will be setting up a time soon to do a training session of an hour or so some afternoon/evening. Please, despite all the humor we interject into the subject of liturgy, and there are lots of opportunities for THAT, consider the practice. We need to have enough people that are comfortable with the entire spectrum of service positions so we are not enlisting someone at the last minute. Leave a comment on this blog, see me next Wednesday, or let Rinsen know of your interest, but I would like this to happen soon before we are into the lecture/workshop series. Rinsen, please start looking at available times for this to happen with you, as I think it's vital you are there.
Chuck Greer
Chuck - I would be interested in attending this meeting. I would like to feel confident about the positions that I would be in.
I'm interested too Chuck.
I am Interested.
-Rob from Canada
I envision these meetings happening once a month or less. Ideally, all the folk who are members of the sangha and ready for some liturgy training would be there for an hour or so. Probably on a sunday afternoon...
Woohoo, got in!
Count me in, just let me know when. Sundays are fine as long as it's after 12:30.
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