Monday, September 17, 2007


Hello Everyone! Zuihan here... We are going forward with a free public lecture on October 27 to be followed by a workshop the next day from 1:30 to 4:30. The lecture is entitled LivingZen: Awakening the Joyful Heart. I just talked to an editor at the city paper who may do a cover story on Chikyo. Please send positive energy. We are hoping to reach deep intothe community.
Andy and I are also talking about establishing an Emergent Culture Salon at the dojo. It would meet one night a month to discuss the latest provocative trends. We were thinking we might start with Ken Wilber, A Theory of Everything. I like his work because it puts our practice on the coushin in the context of world shaping activity. He is getting folks to realize that bringing nondual consciousness into actualization is essential for the healing and growth of the planetary community. Anyone else interested?
I have been spending some time with Hongzhi. Here is a rendering of my note to him:
you mean
completely detach from
the clanging and suturing
of these churning ideas.
You say just sit through it
not entering into partnership.
in this silence
let the air out of the skin bag .
Simply take a step .
Our open and empty body
wanders the radiant love field.
This is our home
Be the Love and ALL is Well.

1 comment:

Erik Genshin Knapp said...

The 27th will be great and will definitely be attending. Also the reason I asked earlier about Intro classes is that I have someone that is very interested in attending. :)