Thursday, September 13, 2007

Intro Class

Are there any intro classes planned for any time soon?


Chuck Greer said...

Erik, there will be announcements soon about upcoming events, including intro events. As far as Sunday, no sitting on Sunday at the ranch right now as there was limited participation.

Erik Genshin Knapp said...

Thanks for the feedback chuck. Also regarding the upcoming bonzai demonstration and class, is there a provision for kids in case some of us parents would like to attend? Is there a cost associated with that class yet? Thanks

Monsho said...

I know this isn't quite the place to post this, but I can't post to the blog itself . . . maybe Chuck could reroute it or something.
Zuihan mentioned the "Introduction to the Precepts" workshop in Garrison, NY over the first weekend in October. I'm not sure that I'm ready to commit myself to taking the precepts, but I am interested in going and learning about them (especially since I currently have the time in my schedule to do it). Is anyone else planning to attend? I'm not sure I'm competent to make the 10 hour drive without someone else in the car.